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It started with a dream...

2020-10-20-HLN-municipality puts parsonage for sale.png


It started with an idea in 2021
What if this beautiful building is not sold, but returned to the community ?

A vision statement was drawn up with several important pillars. The first consultation with the mayor took place on 18 November 2021, but the concept remained too broad. A targeted concept note was then drawn up and an action plan was developed. After that, radio silence from the municipality followed....

Getting Started

We get a push in the back: the UHasselt sees potential in the site and develops a logo and inspiring information boards On Easter Monday '22 the rectory is a stopover on the farm tour . In the garden visitors can give input on various subjects. Despite the enthusiasm of visitors and the municipal council, nothing is happening. On top of that, the site will unfortunately not be part of the large North-South Project.

We do, however, receive permission to organize some activities in the future.


the sprouted seed grows

Een eerste verkennend gesprek met de fanfare vindt plaats. Op zondag 18 september gaat de 'Pastorie-markt' door. Ondanks het hondsweer is de opkomst gigantisch! In de gietende regen treden onze toekomstige 'roomies' op. In en rond de pastorie tonen inwoners schilderijen, houtsnijwerk, beeldhouwwerken, foto's, ....

The first LIFE project of UHasselt will also continue in September. For two weeks, architecture students will dive into the building, the garden, the surroundings. They will map out all the possibilities.

In October, a first neighbourhood workshop will take place in the Pastorie. The plans of the North-South will be explained and residents can give feedback and share concerns.


together on the road...

The operation continues to grow in 2023. The group grows, a non-profit organization is established, many discussions take place with the municipality and the brass band. The municipality organizes a competition for the renovation of the building. With the 'Building Beyond Borders' project, UHasselt lets students from 13 countries loose on the site for an entire school year!

to be continued..

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